

I’m finally participating in #The100dayproject!

I am using it to:

  1. answer a question I’m dealing with,

  2. integrate a new practice into my life, and

  3. share what I learn with others

What’s my question?

How can I value and integrate slowness into my life, especially my work life?

As an artist and generally contemplative person, I know the value of a gap — in the form of sabbaticals, down time, naps, and simple everyday ‘boredom’. Athletes and scientists will tell you that our bodies and brains need this time to rejuvenate. Buddhists might tell you that just ‘being’ is enough, that it is life.

So, how do I reconcile this with building a business— especially in an overly capitalist, productivity obsessed, hustle culture? It is a culture that I do not want to participate in, but it has brainwashed me since birth. I’m only 36, and it has already taken a toll on my mental and physical health.

I turn 37 in April. For this year, I want to learn how to slow down and succeed. More than anything, I want to live in this moment. I want to live the ups and the downs fully. I don’t want to chase pleasure just because I want to avoid pain.

I want to be sustainable in my hustle — both in growing my business and in living life fully.

What does it look like in practice, every day, in big and small moments to go slow? Specifically, what does that look like as a business owner?

My first try at going slow and sustainable is to keep this 100 day project broad. I give myself permission to interpret the theme broadly and share my learnings imperfectly.

If this interests you, lets learn together on instagram at @hatchnbloom. I’d love to hear what you’re trying out and learning.

This post was originally published on Medium.